Issue Areas

We focus our philanthropy on a few key giving areas

This concentration allows us to develop sector expertise that informs grantmaking. To facilitate this approach we have staff dedicated to specific portfolio areas.

We focus our venture philanthropy teams on our Education and Jewish/Israel portfolios where we pilot and scale new ideas with strong likelihood for impact. Our Epilepsy work supports ongoing scientific research and other strategic initiatives related to improving the lives and care of people with epilepsy. Community giving is split between a few strategic multi-year grantees and proven local nonprofits with proven success.


Support educators to expand high-quality applied learning experiences in K-12 and postsecondary classrooms in order to prepare all students for a rapidly changing, high tech world

Jewish Community and Israel

Build vibrant Jewish communities, support the democratic state of Israel to thrive and reduce antisemitism.

Community Giving

Provide vital local support and direct services to those in need.


Support research and other initiatives improving the lives and care of people with epilepsy.