grant making

We are both a venture philanthropy and a pro bono consultancy providing strategic services to select grantees

Our grantmaking teams, comprised of professionals from the top consulting firms (Join Us!), are focused on:

  • identifying highly effective nonprofit partners with compelling breakthrough ideas,
  • resourcing grantees to create and implement strategic plans for scale,
  • analyzing data, conducting, and commissioning research to measure impact,
  • problem solving alongside grantees to learn and continually improve.

Our Approach

Go Deep

Underlying all our work is a rigorous due diligence process. Our engagement with a potential grantee is predicated on a deep and clear understanding of the organization’s goals, leadership capacity, theory of change, program and outcomes.


Strengthen Organizations

The agents of change are the nonprofits we support – not One8 itself. As a result, we identify organizations with missions, strategies, and capabilities well matched to our goals and then provide operating support.


Strategic Levers

We focus our grantmaking on four strategic levers:

  • Pilot a diverse set of exemplars that demonstrate what is possible.
  • Scale impactful programs with proven results.
  • Develop the capacity of grantee leaders with potential to dramatically drive impact.
  • Support and share research that enables insight, evaluation and continuous improvement


Quality Strategy and Planful Implementation

Multi-year funding requires organizations with solid strategic plans and detailed annual implementation plans.

  • Our foundation does not consider unsolicited grant proposals. Periodically, One8 may invite small grant proposals for an endeavor.
  • We only provide grants to 501(c)(3) organizations.
  • Our grants to universities and government agencies have a maximum overhead of 2.5%.